Letter from Jeannie Maddox, FSCA Governing Board Chair

Dear school counseling colleagues,

We keep hearing the words, unprecedented, uncharted, and uncertain describing the circumstance we now face as a result of COVID-19.  Our professional directives and mandates are changing daily, but whether you are a practicing school counselor, district supervisor, counselor educator, or graduate student we want you to know, the Florida School Counselor Association (FSCA) is here to support you.

Please take care of yourselves and your families first.  Stress and anxiety can become overwhelming if we allow it to consume our lives.  We all know the self-care drill:  set a routine, get enough sleep, exercise, healthy eating, turn off the TV, and spend time with those you love doing the things you love. The metaphor of the oxygen mask is never more important than in today’s times.

As school counseling professionals, we are the anchor many families and colleagues will need in this time of change.  We are uniquely trained to recognize and respond to the needs of others whether in real life or now on-line.  Our role is the same, the delivery is just a different one for many of us.

We are here for you as we all make the transition to distance learning. In fact, FSCA is developing a resource page, conducting Zoom meetings with counselor educators and district leaders, and preparing webinars to address evolving school counselors and technology needs.  Please feel free to share ideas of things that are working for you on our social media (@myFSCA )  or to reach out to us via email with questions, concerns, or professional needs.  We are stronger together.

Stay well, stay healthy,

Jeannie Maddox

FSCA Governing Board Chair
